How It Works

We have 29 neighborhood coordinators, covering most neighborhoods in Fearrington.

  • The Neighborhood Coordinators contact all of their contributing neighbors to arrange a date and time for the collection in their neighborhood, prior to the time of our collection. Some neighborhood coordinators pick up donations from their neighbors' porches, and others ask that their neighbors bring their donations to the coordinators' porches.

  • We pick up donations from the coordinators once a month, usually on the last Monday, between 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 am; however, note that in two months (November, and December) collections will be conducted ONE WEEK earlier on the third Monday because of holidays, including Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Neighborhood Coordinators are supplied with convenient small magnetic annual calendars for neighbors. If you would like one, contact your Neighborhood Coordinator. Also, on our 2021 Collection Dates page, you can download and print a full-page annual calendar with the collection dates circled.

  • Donation Guidelines, and the Collection Dates are listed under separate tabs on this website.

  • If you have questions or comments, please use the Contact Us form on the website.

Thanks so much for your participation!